torstai 30. marraskuuta 2006

Paikallaan polkemista

Ei etene kintun parantuminen ei. Siltä se ainakin tuntuu. Kuntopyörää kyllä kestää polkea vaikka maailmantappiin mutta juosta ei uskalla vieläkään normaalisti. Pitäsköhän siirtyä veteen polkemaan, noup.

Hauska haastattelu kaksinkertaisesta maastojuoksun maailmanmestarista ja maratonin olympiahopeamitalisti (debyyttimaratonillaan!) John Treacysta.

I enjoyed running at Crystal Palace, I always got great support there. There was a very famous race with Steve Ovett there. He had just returned home from the Moscow Olympics and he decided to do the 5,000m. With a few laps to go McChesney (Bill) pushed the pace and then it was Steve and I away. With two laps remaining I felt great and we continued together. With 200m left Steve just took off as he did. He was waving down the home straight and all the time slowing down gradually. Meanwhile, I was coming through like a train and Ovett was wave, wave, wave. I continued through and just sneaked under his arm, to pip him on the line. I think he said "Oh F_ _ _ _"!

...I ran the 10,000m (1984 Los Angeles) and was very disappointed as I trailed in at the back of the pack in 10th place The marathon was in five days time and the day after the 10,000m final Dr. Herrera and I drove over the course and I saw no problems with it. After the disappointment of the 10,000m I made up my mind that it was better to do it. I used to get very annoyed with myself and I jogged twice a day between the 10,000m final and the marathon. Once my mind was made up I was very determined, my mentality was a medal or nothing.

...However Charlie managed to close the gap and in the end I had to run the last lap in 67 seconds to move away again. I feel that I got as much out of myself as I could. I was tested a few days later for microscopic tears and apparently after a hard session you would have between 300 and 400, I had 3,500, I had run myself to a standstill! On finishing three to four minutes later I totally ceased up and one week later I went for a mile run and it took me half an hour! I was laughing at my situation, however you can laugh when you have an Olympic medal around your neck!

Berhane Adere (34) ja Gete Wami (33), "veteraani-iässä" radoilta maratonhuipulle, lystikäs ikänäkökulma IAAF:lla.

1 kommentti:

Jorma "Jomppe" Ronkainen kirjoitti...

Ikävä juttu tuo sinun nilkka! Malttia kuntoutukseen! Mulla on jalan kanssa myös ongelma - neljään viikkoon en ole juossut ja kuntopyörä mäkiohjelmineen on tutuksi tullut. Uskon että pyörätreenit hyvin juoksua palvelee. Hyvä hankinta oli tuo (York C520).

Treacystä tuli mieleen... eikös se ollut Moskovassa kun armottomassa kuumuudessa kaveri luhistui kympin alkuerässä radalle ja Viren selvisi näin finaaliin?
