keskiviikko 26. huhtikuuta 2006

Morfiinia huutaa potilaat


Stanfordissa juostaan taas kymppiä sunnuntaina. Måre juoksee listojen mukaan kakkoserässä, ykkösessä kohtaavat mm. Ritzenhein, Webb ja Cragg! Vitosella kuten muillakin ratamatkoilla erinomaisen tasokas edustus..

Gert Thys, takana erikoinen maratonreissu Soulissa, mistä poiki vielä positiivinen testitulos:

"A bitterly disappointed Thys speaking from his home in Kimberly has vowed to fight the finding for excessive levels of Nandrelone."I have been running competitively now for 21 years, why would I be so stupid near the end of my career to take a drug that has no advantage for marathon runners. Nandrelone builds up your muscles and makes them bigger, a marathon runner needs long lean muscles to go faster," he lamented.

Thys, who won the Beppu Oita Marathon, Japan in February this year clocking 2:09:45, returned to South Africa for treatment for allergic levels that have plagued him for years. He went on to win the Seoul Marathon in March 2006, which, ironically he was not supposed to finish as he was employed as a pace maker clocking a moderate time by his standards of 2:10:40.

"Nobody wanted to run any faster, the organisers asked me to run slower to allow the chasers to catch up, then they asked me again to run even slower but still nobody wanted to pick up the pace. I already felt bad at the half way stage with low sugar levels. I ran the last two kilometres in over seven minutes, and eventually I won the race".

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