EM-suunnistuksissa kultaa taas.. Eilen Lakasen Jellona kuritti muita pitkällä matkalla ja tänään naiset veivät viestin huimassa loppukiritaistelussa Sveitsin nenän edestä, loistavaa!
Måre juoksi konferenssinsa mestiksissä 3000m esteet 9.29:04 ollen 4.

Craig Mottram kertoo harjoittelustaan.
Men's Racing: I’ve been to Iten, Kenya, and have run with Augustine Chore [who defeated Mottram at the Commonwealth Games in March]. I couldn’t believe how slow we were going on recovery runs. Do you do that?
Craig Mottram: We always run slowly. That’s why you have your [hard] sessions. Recovery runs are just that—recovery runs. I train a lot of the time with girls, and they drop me some of the time. They’re just able to get rolling sooner than I am.
MR: Not a lot of people here in the States do that.
CM: Not a lot of them are doing 110 miles a week for most of the year, either. Do that, and you’ll get sore and tired and fatigued. It becomes more of a survival thing. You usually feel better at the end than at the start.
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