maanantai 25. syyskuuta 2006

Juoksua kaiken ikää

Veteraani-Ypä jyrää Suomessa mutta löytyy niitä kovia muualtakin, 76-vuotias Ed Whitlock juoksi 75+ sarjan maratonin MEn 3.08:35 Torontossa eilen.

Yet he admits he often has to force himself out the door for his daily three-hour runs through Evergreen Cemetery near his Milton, Ont., home, a location he prefers because of its safer and quieter than city streets.“It’s a bit of a bore, a bit of a chore,” Whitlock says, with a laugh. “I don’t suffer from runners’ highs. They don’t exist for me.”
But at age 75, Whitlock doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.
“The one thing I’m good at is running,” says Whitlock. I don’t think I’ll stop until something stops me.”
He admits he loves to compete, and that’s what keeps him running.“I train in order to be able to race well, I train to race,” says Whitlock. “I don’t train for my health or for my enjoyment. If I didn’t race, I’m not sure whether I would train.”

Intiassa taas juoksutetaan lapsilla ylipitkiä matkoja, sairasta.

1 kommentti:

Jorma "Jomppe" Ronkainen kirjoitti...

Whitlockilta fantastinen suoritus!

Tuohan antaa toivoa itsellekin - jos vain intoa ja terveyttä riittää niin juoksuharrastusta voi jatkaa vielä Pitkään.
